Epson Kills the Ink Cartridge

Any business owner who prints in-house, especially those with heavy demands on their printers, knows the frustration of having to have enough ink on hand. But there is more. There is replacing the ink cartridges or, if you are adventurous, refilling them. If you have a multicolor cartridge system, you will eventually run out of … Read more

IT Budgets On The Rise

While many companies might be holding back on investing large sums of money into their business, most companies are not putting the same kind of brakes on their IT needs. In fact, many companies are reporting that they plan to at the very least maintain the same levels of spending in 2015 as they did … Read more

Apple Combats Stolen iPhones

Mobile phone theft has become a growing problem across the world with an estimated $7 million worth of phones lost or stolen each year. This trend is expected to grow as more and more of the world adopts a mobile lifestyle and begins carrying smartphones and tablets with them wherever they go. However, mobile phone … Read more

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