Do You Have a Second Home?

Save Money on your Second Home? 

Smart home monitoring your second home or vacation getaway is a great way to secure your property and control your energy costs. Make your life easier and more affordable today by utilizing home automation. Control lighting, window blinds to seemingly make the property look occupied any time. Break ends and squatters are alert to which homes have activity or not. What better way to make your property look occupied all the time by having lights functioning on and off as well as movement of window shades and security cameras inside and out watching 24/7. 

A great way to save dollars is to monitor your thermostat during different times of the day and during weather changes. Managing your second home will give you peace of mind as well as feeling connected to your investment. The ability to be alerted on your smart phone or tablet that you have a water leak and have the immediate ability to close the valve is worth its weight in gold! 

You decide to take a week off to enjoy your vacation home. Before you even get on the plane you have set the central air conditioning to the temperature you prefer so when you land in Florida an enter your home you don’t have to sweat and wait for the cool down. Using your smart phone to open your garage door as you approach your vacation home from a long flight is a pleasure. As pleasurable as having the lights on as you enter your second home is not only welcoming but safer should you enter in the evening. 

Smart door locks make it convenient so that you never look for your keys. Your daughter and her family our coming as well and their flight got in a little before you. They are just getting to your home when you land at the airport 45 minutes away. Your smart home allows you to unlock the door for her and her family from your smart device. 

When you arrive at your vacation home you are pleased with the growth and colors of your landscaping. Give credit to yourself for having made the decision to have a smart home. Being able to manage your sprinklers, watering your landscaping remotely, monitoring water usage and controlling water use during dry spells and rainy season while back at your main home thousands of miles away is a total pleasure. It will also reduce water costs and replanting. 

Now let’s think about the reverse. You spend the winter from December until mid-April in your second home in Florida. Meanwhile your main home in Maine is cold, dark and empty. Sure, you say your neighbor checks in on it and keeps an eye on it. How often? What happens when that neighbor unexpectedly leaves home for a week or two for work or perhaps an out of town family member of theirs is ill and they must go to them out of town? No one is watching your property 24/7.  

A blizzard occurs and freezing temperatures are a real issue. No one has been able to check your house before they discover the pipes have frozen because the thermostat was too low. 

Lights have not been turned on for days on end and the house seems vacant to people passing by your home. 

The solution is to make your house “Smart”! Like all the reasons given above these issues are issues no more. A smart home will give you peace of mind, security and be more energy efficient. 

TechnoLiving makes your life simple by customizing your smart home to simply meet your lifestyle. There are no “must have’s” with a specific brand name system that is structured to limit you only to their products. It is your system, controlling what you want and manageable from your smart phone or tablet from right in your home to being away. 

Whether you simply need a “Ring” doorbell installed or a “Nest” thermostat, an indoor or outdoor home theater, a TV mounted, surround sound, a sound system for music through your home or security cameras inside or outside your house, TechnoLiving will professionally do all this and more. We keep it simple and simple for you to use once it is operating from your smart phone or smart device. Technology is your friend and when it is installed by experts and utilized the way it can be it makes your life fun and easier.

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