IT serves has various shades with all three versions having different definitions with significant differences. All offers advantages any business supporting the very core of the structure.
IT Service (ITILv3): A Service provided to one or more Customers, by an IT Service Provider. An IT Service is based on the use of Information Technology and supports the Customer’s Business Process. An IT Service is made up from a combination of people, Processes and technology and should be defined in a Service Level Agreement.
IT Service (ITILv2): A set of related components provided in support of one or more business processes. The service will comprise a range of Configuration Item (CI) types but will be perceived by Customers and Users as a self-contained, single, coherent entity.
IT Service (ITILv1): A set of related functions provided by IT systems in support of one or more business areas, which in turn may be made up of software, hardware and communications facilities, perceived by the customer as a coherent and self-contained entity. An IT service may range from access to a single application, such as a general ledger system, to a complex set of facilities including many applications, as well as office automation, which might be spread across a number of hardware and software platforms.

24/7 Monitoring & Proactive Maintenance:
In this technical era most business relay on online mainframes to store information and sort transactions and of the business. Servers run 24/7/365 and with this the need for 24/7 Monitoring & Proactive Maintenance is need to keep business running at peak shape. This can be an invaluable feature because the earlier an issue is realized, the earlier it can be resolved. 24/7 monitoring allows for most issues to be realized and proactively resolved before they become major problems resulting in significant downtime.
It is impossible to plan for technical issues even if you have a valid system for deprecation. At a moment’s notice a computer or server can crash; however IT have repair and service work already built into the contract, along with the ongoing maintenance already taking place.

Improved Security:
Business leaders know that having the up to date security to protecting your network is arguably the most important aspect of a business’s technology. Managed Service offers packages that offer a solution to monitor Firewalls, develop Anti-Virus systems, and apply the latest updates and patches to ensure that your network is as secure as possible.
The tools offered by IT serves boost the efficiency of business. issues are immediately reported and acted on there is less time needed to deal w With proper planning and notification, patches and updates can be scheduled in a way that there is no disruption to the end user during working hours. With problems cause better time use for everyone. With proper planning and notification, patches and updates can be scheduled in a way that there is no disruption to the end user during working hours.